What Is WHIM Syndrome?

WHIM syndrome is a rare, congenital primary immunodeficiency disorder associated with neutropenia that typically presents in childhood or adolescence. However, due to the heterogeneous presentation of the disease, coupled with lack of awareness of the condition, recognition and diagnosis is often delayed, sometimes even into adulthood. Consequently, WHIM syndrome may be misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed. 

The acronym “WHIM” stands for (W)arts, (H)ypogammaglobulinemia, (I)nfections, and (M)yelokathexis; however, patients rarely experience all of these symptoms, and if they do, they may not appear at the same time. Of these, recurrent infection and hypogammaglobulinemia are the most common presentations as well as neutropenina and lyphocytopenia.

Learn More About Recognizing WHIM Syndrome

Learn More About WHIM Syndrome

This website informs, educates, and supports patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals seeking to understand and manage WHIM syndrome.