Neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease (NOMID) is a rare disorder causing inflammation and tissue damage. The disease primarily affects the nervous system, skin, and joints. People with NOMID have a skin rash that is usually present from birth. The rash persists throughout life, although it changes in size and location. Affected individuals often have headaches, seizures, and vomiting resulting from chronic meningitis. Intellectual disability may occur in some people with this disorder. Hearing and vision problems may result from nerve damage and inflammation in various tissues of the eyes. People with NOMID experience joint inflammation, swelling, and cartilage overgrowth, causing characteristic prominent knees and other skeletal abnormalities that worsen over time. Joint deformities called contractures may restrict the movement of certain joints.

NOMID is a very rare disorder; approximately 100 affected individuals have been reported worldwide.

Other Names: CINCA syndrome; CINCA; Infantile Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease; IOMID; Chronic Infantile Neurological Cutaneous Articular syndrome; NOMID; Multisystem inflammatory disease, neonatal-onset; Prieur Griscelli syndrome.


For more information on Neonatal Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disease, visit Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center.
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